Jing XU

Publisher:吴佳慧Time:2022-03-09 views:62

Jing XU


2016 – 2021 Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D.

2014 – 2016 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign M.S.

2010 – 2014 Shanghai University B.E.

Working Experience:

2021- International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University Assistant professor

2018-2021 School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology Graduate Instructor

2016-2018 School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology Teaching Assistant

Research Interests:

Enterprise human capital, corporate innovation, industrial organization structure, household finance

Working Paper:

[1] Xu, J. and Li, H. (2021). Leadership’s human capital and corporate R&D investment.

[2] Xu, J. (2021). Leadership’s human capital and corporate total factor productivity.

[3] Xu, J., Mao, X. and  Khraiche, M. (2021). Overconfidence, financial risk attitude and household investment behavior.

[4] Xu, J. and Xiong, X. (2021). Peer effect and household participation in the financial market.

[5] Sun, X. and Xu, J. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and stock return volatility.