Lingli LUO

Publisher:吴佳慧Time:2022-03-09 views:63

Lingli LUO


2016 - 2019 University of New South Wales Ph.D.

2013  2015 Chinese University of Hong Kong MPhil

2011 - 2013 Wuhan University MPhil

2007 - 2011 Central South University B.A.

Teaching experience:

2019 - International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University Assistant professor

2017 – 2018 University of New South Wales teaching assistant

Research Interests:

Enterprise behavior strategy, organizational expectation, cluster status


[1]. Luo, L., Ma, X.*, Makino, S. & Shinkle, G.A., 2020. Cluster status and new venture creation. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(5), p.105985. (FT50, ABDC A*, ABS 4, JCR Q1)

[2]. Luo, L., Ma, X. & Wang, Z.*, 2020. The moderate-reputation trap: Evidence from a Chinese cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portal. Forthcoming at Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABDC A, ABS 3, JCR Q2),

[3]. Su, Q., Luo, L.*, Lau, D. C., & de Jong, B. 2022: United or divided? Entrepreneurial passion and faultlines in new venture teams, Forthcoming at Journal of Small Business Management (ABDCA,ABS3,JCR Q2),

Conference papers:

[1].  Luo, L.*, & Shinkle, G. 2018. Opportunity or threat? Organizational aspiration determination in an environmental jolt, The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, United States, August 2018. AOM Best Paper Proceedings.

[2].  Shinkle, G.*, Goudsmit, M., Yang, F., and Luo, L. 2017. Antecedents of organizational aspirations: Attention to the future, past, and situational context, The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, August 2017. AOM Best Paper Proceedings.

[3].  Liu, X., Zhao, X., Luo, L., Kaleem, H., Flynn, B., & Boyer, K. 2012.  Partner relationship, social capital & absorptive capacity in building innovation capability: Evidence from china. Joint Conference of the 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & the 9th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Xi’an, China, 14-18 July 2012. Best Track Paper Award.