Ruolin WANG

Publisher:吴佳慧Time:2022-03-09 views:51

Ruolin WANG


2016.3-2020.7 Queensland University of Technology Ph.D

2013.7-2015.7 University of Queensland Master

2009.9-2013.7 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce Bachelor

Teaching experience:

2021.3 –International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University Assistant professor

2018.2-2018.12 Queensland University of Technoloy Assistant professor

Research Interests:

Credit default swaps (CDS), market efficiency, information flow, price discovery, insider trading, interbank rates

Working paper:

1. Wang R, Basu A, Clements A, (2020).“Information flow between equity and credit default swap marketsHas it changed since the financial crisis?”, Journal of Financial Markets. (Submitted. Minor Revision)

2. Dynamics of the Lead-Lag Relationship between CDS and Equity Markets: Evidence from an International Analysis.

3. Information Flow between Equity, Bond and CDS Markets: An Emerging Market Analysis.  

4. Competitiveness and Government Expenditure: the Singapore Example.