Youlin HUANG

Publisher:吴佳慧Time:2022-03-09 views:279

Youlin HUANG


2017-2020 University of Liverpool Ph.D.

2015-2017 University of Liverpool M.S.

2011-2015 Hong Kong Baptist University B.E.

Teaching Experience:

2020– International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University Assistant professor

2022 International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University Research associate

Research Interests:

Low-carbon innovation, green travel and shared tourism


 (1) Huang, Y., & Qian, L. (2018). Consumer preferences for electric vehicles in lower tier cities of China: Evidences from south  Jiangsu region. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (SSCI Q1, ABS 3, IF: 5.5), 63, 482-497.  

 (2) Huang, Y., Qian, L., Soopramanien, D., & Tyfield, D. (2021). Buy, Lease, or Share? Consumer preferences for innovative business models in the market of electric vehicles. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI Q1, ABS 3, IF: 8.59), 166, 120639. 

 (3) Huang, Y., Qian, L., Tyfield, D., & Soopramanien, D. (2021). On the heterogeneity in consumer preferences for electric vehicles across generations and cities in China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI Q1, ABS 3, IF: 8.59), 167, 120687. 

 (4) Huang, Y., & Qian, L. (2021). Understanding the Potential Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles in China: The Perspective of Behavioural Reasoning Theory. Psychology & Marketing (SSCI Q3, ABS 3, IF: 2.94), 38(4), 669-690. 

(5) Huang, Y., & Qian, L. (2021). Consumer Adoption of Electric Vehicles in Alternative Business Models. Energy Policy (SSCI/SCI Q1, ABS 2, IF: 6.14), 155, 112338. 

(6) Li, D., Huang, Y*., Sun, H., & Zhi, B. (2022). Achieving sustainability in sharing-based product service system: a contingency perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI/SCI Q1, ABS 2, IF: 9.30), 332, 129997.