Yingdong LIN

Publisher:吴佳慧Time:2022-06-13 views:51

Yingdong LIN


2016.9 – 2021.7 Ph.D. in Economics and Finance, Bocconi University

2013.9 – 2016.7 M.S. in Quantitative Finance, Peking University

2009.9 – 2013.7 B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, Peking University


Working Experience:

2022.6 – Assistant Professor, International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University

2021.9 – 2022.3 Assistant Professor, China-ASEAN Institute of Financial Cooperation


Research Interests: 

Corporate Debt Structure, Firm-bank Relationships, Credit Market Frictions

Working papers:

1. Chinese Import Penetration and the Crowding-in of Mortgage Loans

2. Cash Holdings and Debt Structure, with Paolo Colla and Florian Nagler

3. Relationship Lender Distress Driven Corporate Bond Offerings, with Paolo Colla and Florian Nagler