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  • Qin ZHANG



2015-2020The University of Syndey ,Bachelor of Commerce in Finance

2013-2015 Macquarie University ,Master of Research in Economics

2010-2012 Macquarie University ,Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

Teaching experience:

2020 - International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University Assistant professor

Research Interests:

Economic forecasting, macroeconometrics, big data econometrics

Working paper:

 [1] Heaton, C., Ponomareva, N., Zhang, Q. (2019). Forecasting models  for the Chinese macroeconomy: the simpler the better?. Empirical  Economics, 1-29.

 [2] Zhang, Q. (2019). Nowcasting Chinese GDP Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Working Paper.

 [3] Zhang, Q. (2019). Forecasting the Chinese macroeconomy based on a large factor model with monthly and quarterly data, Working Paper

 [4] Zhang, Q. (2019). Accessing the quality of Chinese official statistics and explaining the discrepancies between national and provincial data, Working Paper