马龙,男,博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学生,主要研究领域包括消费者网络行为、电子商务与社交媒体、社会网络分析等,在《Computers in Human Behavior》、《Journal of Computer Assisted Learning》等SSCI期刊上发表论文7篇,CSSCI期刊论文1篇,国际知名会议论文10余篇。主持浙江省社科规划课题1项,浙江省自然基金项目1。项现任浙江工商大学国际商学院讲师,主讲《The Principle of Management》、《Marketing Research》等课程。
2009-2015 南洋理工大学 黄金辉传媒与信息学院 信息研究 博士
2006-2009 北京邮电大学 信息管理与信息系统 硕士
2002-2006 北京邮电大学 信息管理与信息系统 学士
2018至今 浙江工商大学 国际商学院 助理教授
2015-2018 天水师范学院 商学院 副教授
2015-2017 英国北方大学联合会 讲师
1. 浙江省2019自然科学基金《社交媒体中品牌主页用户的网络结构、角色分类及其传播行为研究》[项目编号:LY20G020007] 第一负责人
2. 浙江省2020哲学社会科学基金《“后疫情”背景下混合式教学的课程设计与评价体系研究》[项目编号:21NDJC076YB] 第一负责人
3. 甘肃省“十三五”2017年度教育科学规划课题重点项目《混合慕课教学效果的对比实证研究》 第一负责人
4. 甘肃省高等学校科学研究项目《陇药企业电子商务转型发展的激励与阻碍因素研究》 第一负责人
1. Ma, L. *, Lee, C. S. (2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of blended learning using the ARCS model. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(5): 1397-1408. (SSCI, 1区)
2. 2. Ma, L.* (2021). Understanding non-adopters’ intention to use internet pharmacy: Revisiting the roles of trustworthiness, perceived risk and consumer traits. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 59, available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jengtecman.2021.101613 (SSCI, 2区)
3. 3. Ma, L. *, Lee, C. (2020). Drivers and barriers to MOOC adoption: perspectives from adopters and non-adopters, Online Information Review, 44 (3): 671-684 (SSCI/SCI, 2区)
4. Ma L.*, Lee C. S. (2019) Investigating the Adoption of MOOCs: A Technology-User-Environment Perspective,Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(1): 89-98. (SSCI, 1区, this paper has been recognized as a top cited paper by Wiley in 2019-2020.)
5. Ma L.*, Lee C. S. (2019) Understanding the Barriers to the Use of MOOCs in a Developing Country: An Innovation Resistance Perspective, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(3): 571-590. (SSCI, 2区)
6. Ma L., Lee C. S.*, Hoe-Lian Goh D. (2014). Understanding news sharing in social media: An explanation from the diffusion of innovations theory. Online Information Review, 38(5): 598-615. (SSCI/SCI, 2区)
7. Lee C.S.*, Ma L. (2012). News Sharing in Social Media: The Effect of Gratifications and Prior Experience, Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2): 331-339. (SSCI, 1区)
1. Ma L., Lee C. S., Investigating the Use of MOOCs: An Innovation Adoption Perspective. In the Proceedings of 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PASIC 2017), July 17-19, Langkawi, Malaysia, 1-10. (AIS eLibrary)
2. Ma L., Lee C. S.,Exploring Barriers underlying College Students' Adoption of MOOCs. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information Management (ICBIM 2017). July 23-25, Beijing, China, 92-96. (EI)
3. Ma L., Lee C. S., Goh D. H.,Investigating influential factors influencing users to share news in social media: a diffusion of innovations perspective. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries(JCDL 2013), July 22-26, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 403-404 (EI)